Border Landcare Organic Group (BLOG) is reforming

BLOG is reforming!

The Border Landcare Organic Group ran for many years and was fondly remembered by many members as being a casual monthly event where a diverse range of topics related to organic farming and gardening were discussed. When it eventually wound up the Stanthorpe Eco Expo was conceived to take its place. But after 5 years of the Stanthorpe Eco Expo, the committee has voted to put the event in mothballs and bring back BLOG. The committee felt that the Eco Expo had done everything that it set out to achieve but it was time for a change (and a rest for some members).

BLOG is a great way to meet people interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle and to learn new skills. Our format is friendly, flexible and welcoming with monthly Saturday meetings starting at 10am. We have no formal committee - just a few people happy to see BLOG get going again and have a bit of fun. Each month we will meet at someone's property (the host) and focus on a particular subject. So far we have a few topics that we can kick off with, but we are always interested in new ideas and interesting topics.

Our first meeting will be on Saturday 25th January at 10am at the home of Debbie and Alan Craven, Craven Hill Farm, 1535 Amiens Road, Amiens.

Contact Debbie Craven on 0458 765 758 for more info.

Please bring $2 each, food to share, a camp chair and a keep cup if you have one. We will provide Tea, Coffee and water.

If sustainability is something you are interested in then come along and be part of BLOG,

Together we can create the community we want,


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