Welcome to Quoll Country
The Granite Belt is the last stronghold in Australia for the Spotted-tailed Quoll. Researcher Paul Revie of the Quoll Society of Australia says that:
"The Granite Belt is the only place we've found a healthy population of Spotted-tailed Quolls".
GBSAN is proud to be working with QuollSA in improving habitat for the quolls, and raising awareness in our local community to our special role in protecting this iconic species.
Spotted-tailed Quolls need our help! They were once found along the entire eastern coastline of Australia, but they have disappeared from more than 90 percent of their range. Let’s make sure they don’t disappear from the Granite Belt.
As well as our Wildlife Friendly Granite Belt campaign on rodenticides, here are other ways that you can help quolls in the Granite Belt:
Report all of your quoll sightings to QuollSA by clicking here
Spotted-tailed Quoll - Paul Revie
Volunteer to analyse camera images collected from QuollSA’s motion cameras by clicking here and choosing “Data analysis”. You can do this from home on your own computer.
Building a quoll-proof poultry pen, and sharing these tips with other poultry keepers