Community Engagement Team updates
Blackberries are a widespread weed on the Granite Belt.
Our movie event held on 24 August featuring the Border Boronia and the launch of the GBSAN Landscape Linkages Project was a great success. Partnering with Stanthorpe Rare Wildflowers Consortium resulted in an enthusiastic response with over 60 people attending the event.
We now have 15 landholders who have expressed interest in the Landscape Linkages Project and these have been mapped on our database with the help of Kym Wilson from Ready to Adapt Environmental Services.
Many thanks to our wonderful volunteers who helped with set up, making soup, loaning cups etc. Thanks also go to Carol Parkinson for use of the Stanthorpe Drill Hall and Ballandean Hall for use of mugs and spoons.
Our next events include a stall at the Stanthorpe Eco Expo on 7 September and a the Stanthorpe Gardenfest and Trade Fair on 11th and 12th October. Please contact Geraldine: if you can volunteer for a couple of hours.
BIODIVERSITY Landscape Linkages Project Update
Jump onto our website and have a read of this worthwhile project which is aiming to protect our beautiful and unique flora and fauna by creating habitat links on the Granite Belt.
Go to – Take Action – Biodiversity Landscape Linkages Project. If you are interested in having your property mapped for this project – simply complete the short form.
We have made contact with Southern Queensland Landscapes to assist us with networking with similar groups and with design of the landholder survey.
A group of us met to work out some guidelines for this project.
Name of the group:
GBSAN Bushcare - we thought this was a more positive name and will better reflect our activities.
Times to meet:
Monthly for half a day, we thought we'd start with Wednesdays as more people were available this day - we'll adjust the times seasonally.
Education and Info for group members:
Most people have experience. However, Weed Spotters Network Qld have an online learning course about weed management for early detection and prevention - we're urging all members to take a look.
How will we prioritise what and where to work?
Liaise with Rare Wildflower Consortium, National Parks and SDRC. Focus on bushland restoration, protecting endangered species, waterways and/or emerging invasive weeds eg Formosa Lilly. Private and public land, nature refuges, GBSAN membership landholders.
Equipment -
We're currently applying for an RSL community Grant for equipment including safety equipment. In the meantime, members will share their own equipment.
All members of GBSAN are covered by our volunteer insurance on both private and public land. Members of GBSAN Bushcare are urged to become GBSAN members.
Landholder Responsibilities:
Providing plants/seeds for replacement plantings as needed and depending on the job - weed disposal.
Weed Disposal:
Leave the weeds on the ground as mulch whenever appropriate. Removal of seeds/roots.
Please reply to Geraldine Hollingsworth at the email below if you would like to join the group or have ideas of priority areas: