Blister pack recycling paused & Terracycle updates

Update from Elaine about Terracycle recycling programs.

The Terracycle program has had a glitch with Chemist Own no longer funding the medicinal blister pack program. In the four months that we have being collecting from AMCAL and the public we have sent back around 25kgs or approximately 9000 individual blister packs. The majority of these were from the chemist making up WEBESTER packs but the public dropping off their own was increasing each week. So now we have to wait now to find another company to fund the program making it free to community drop of points.

The packs I didn’t get to send (approx 10kgs) I will hold onto awaiting a solution. I am not sure why this free program stopped and I have sent emails trying to find answers, it seemed to be a popular program. I would like to contact other Pharmacy companies to see if they will follow in Chemist Own footsteps and take on the program.

With the other programs in four months:

  • Approx. 6000 Coffee pods returned

  • 8kgs Shampoo & Conditioner bottles returned

  • 3kgs toothbrushes & tubes collected

We will be expanding the Schwarzkopf Cares Hair Care program by asking local hairdressers to collect as they apparently only have access to industrial bins for their waste in the main street.


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